Principal sponsors

We thank all our sponsors


«The Grafenegg Festival is a highlight of Austria's summer cultural calendar with a renown that echoes far beyond its borders. As a global company with Austrian roots, it is a pleasure and special wish for AGRANA to remain a steadfast partner of the Grafenegg Festival.»

Dkfm. Markus Mühleisen MBA
CEO AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG





«Grafenegg is a beautiful slice of Lower Austria. Music at the highest level in a unique setting, the pure energy of life for young and old.»

Mag. Stefan Szyszkowitz
Board Director, EVN AG

EVN Colour



Österreichische Lotterien

«Art and culture connect people. This is especially true of music, which is understood as a universal "language" around the globe. The Grafenegg Festival is an established fixture on Austria's concert scene. The unique atmosphere of the Wolkenturm and the musical top quality of international artists are a guarantee for unique musical enjoyment. Austrian Lotteries as the main sponsor wishes all guests an unforgettable concert evening.»

Erwin van Lambaart
General Manager, Österreichische Lotterien

Lotterien Colour



Münze Österreich AG

«In fulfilling its cultural mission, the Austrian Mint is proud to include Grafenegg, where the Wolkenturm, the Schlosspark, and musicians of the highest calibre ensure a unique atmosphere and musical enjoyment of the highest order. Here, the ties to beauty in general and music in particular can be perfectly achieved.»

Mag. Gerhard Starsich
CEO, Münze Österreich AG

Münze Österreich Colour



GW Cosmetics

«Under the guiding principle: «The art of the moment», we have been supporting the symbiosis between art and beauty as the world market leader for eyebrows and eyelash colour for over 90 years. GW COSMETICS ®, as the umbrella brand of successful «Made in Austria» brands such as RefectoCil ®, BeautyLash ® and Master Lin ®, also focuses on the unique connection between sound, scenery and unforgettable musical moments. It has been a great pleasure for us to accompany the renowned Grafenegg Festival for many years. Our friends, customers and partners are enchanted by the top-class musical experiences every summer and enjoy this wonderful cooperation with us.»

Mag. Amra Deisenhammer
CMO GW Cosmetics ®




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