Partner of Campus Grafenegg

Partner of Campus Grafenegg

European Union Youth Orchestra

European Chamber Music Academy

Music & Art School Management Lower Austria


As a platform and network for the fostering of exceptional musical talent, Campus Grafenegg has for several years maintained close partnerships with important institutions that have a high level of expertise in this field and are themselves integrated into large international networks. Through this fruitful cooperation, manifest in the regular concerts enjoyed by the public in Grafenegg, the Campus has promoted excellence in a diverse range of areas since its inception.


European Union Youth Orchestra

The European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) is the musical flagship and cultural ambassador of the European Union. Founded in 1976, it is one of the world's leading youth orchestras. Key musical leaders have been Music Directors Claudio Abbado, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Bernard Haitink and Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko.

The EUYO has already appeared in many hundreds of venues across five continents, serving as a bridge between conservatories and the professional musical world for generations of musicians. It is a training ground for players in many of the world’s greatest orchestras. Former members have also enjoyed highly successful careers as conductors, soloists and teachers. In recent years, the EUYO has developed into one of the most important partners of Campus Grafenegg, taking up an annual residence of several weeks in Grafenegg, also the orchestra’s «Summer Home».

Campus Residency / July 17 - July 30, 2023

#EUYO #CampusGrafenegg


European Chamber Music Academy

Since it was founded in 2004, the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) has become established as the talent factory for young professional chamber music ensembles. Top European training institutions and leading festivals work together in a training and development programme for the best young ensembles that extends over Europe to Shanghai. The ECMA, under the leadership of artistic directors Johannes Meissl, Hatto Beyerle and Patrick Juedt, has been a principal partner of Campus Grafenegg since 2015. An openness to experimenting, artistic independence and know-how to actively shape the future of the musical world are qualities that characterise the ECMA. Lectures and workshops in cultural history, philosophy and interdisciplinary pursuits, amongst others during the annual residency in Grafenegg, provide a large space for artistic reflection.

From 2021 Campus Grafenegg is part of a four year cooperation project supported by the Creative Europe Programme realised by twelve partner institutions from nine different European countries. «ECMA Pro – International Career Development and Socially Engaged Outreach in Chamber Music» aims to take the existing ECMA work to a new level by adding and proving new formats and activities.

Campus Residency / May 29 - June 4, 2023

#ECMA #CampusGrafenegg


Music & Art School Management Lower Austria

The Music & Art School Management Lower Austria supports young people on their musical and artistic journey with a wealth of activities and projects. Creative talents, with their musical gifts and will to express themselves, are thus the central focus of the Lower Austrian Youth Symphony Orchestra and Young Philharmonic Wind Orchestra, both regular guests at Grafenegg. Guided by experienced tutors and notable conductors, the members of these two orchestral projects of the Federal State of Lower Austria work through diverse concert programmes. The young musicians are showcased as lively, dynamic and creative talents on stages at home and abroad. The joy they experience in making music together is always palpable.

Campus Residency / July 30 - August 5, 2023

#JSO #CampusGrafenegg





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