Campus Grafenegg

Press pictures of Campus Grafenegg

Select images for your reporting here and download them easily. We also have other press photos and will be happy to send you a selection. Please contact us by phone or e-mail (press contact).

All pictures are free of charge as long as the author is mentioned and they are used for reporting on the Grafenegg location or the concerts in Grafenegg.


Grafenegg Academy

Press pictures of the Artistic Curators Alina Ibragimova, Håkan Hardenberger and Colin Currie as well as pictures of the Grafenegg Academy Orchestras 2022

Download Photos of Grafenegg Academy

Ink Still Wet

Press pictures of the workshop leader Philippe Manoury and conducting coach Brad Lubman

Download Photos of Ink Still Wet

European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO)

Press pictures of the European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO)

Download Photos of EUYO

European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA)

Press pictures of the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA)

Download Photos of ECMA

Jugendsinfonieorchester Niederösterreich

Press pictures of the Jugendsinfonieorchester Niederösterreich (JSO)

Download Photos of JSO

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