Ink Still Wet 2024

Call for compositions

A central pillar of the Grafenegg Festival is the Composer in Residence programme, which every year shines a light on an eminent composer of contemporary music. During their stay in Grafenegg, the distinguished composers premiere their own works, but are also there to give advice and support to colleagues in the workshop Ink Still Wet.
Composer conductor-workshop Ink Still Wet’s aim is to create a platform for composers and to promote a unique creative exchange between audiences, composers and performing musicians.

Led by the Composer in Residence of the Grafenegg Festival, the intention of the Ink Still Wet Workshop is to provide impulses for the creation of new works for orchestra. In addition, the workshop offers the opportunity to rehearse and perform an own work with a professional orchestra. Thus, also gaining a new perspective on one's own work. The participants’ works will be presented to the public in the workshop’s closing concert as part of the Grafenegg Festival.

Previous years have shown how important and multi-layered these workshops are for the composers. What has only existed in their head or on paper is now tested in the exchange between the performing musicians and its performance on a major concert platform. Do the imagined sounds pass the trial run, or do they need to be revised? Is there a better way to notate one or another musical idea? Or, more fundamentally: as a composer, how do you approach a long-established professional orchestra, and how do you explain or, when necessary, defend your musical ideas?

Ink Still Wet provides insights into all phases of an exciting work- and rehearsal-process. Both the concert of Ink Still Wet as well as all the workshops are open and free of charge for an interested audience.

2024 sees the 14th edition of the Ink Still Wet composer conductor-workshop.

Workshop Leading Team

The Ink Still Wet workshop is led by Enno Poppe, composer in residence of the Grafenegg Festival 2024. The workshop will be accompanied by the Tonkunstler Orchestra, one of the orchestras in residence of the Grafenegg Festival.

Application details

You can find further information on the application for Ink Still Wet 2024 here >

Applications will be accepted electronically only (in PDF format) on MUVAC.

Course information Ink Still Wet 2024

Deadline for application: 14 November 2023


Call for composers & compositions / Enno Poppe

If you are a composer looking for a unique chance to work with a top class composer, conductor and orchestra, then apply now for Ink Still Wet!

Be one of a selected team of composers and conductors at the Ink Still Wet laboratory! Analyse and discuss your work of art with Composer in Residence 2024 Enno Poppe - conduct your own music live in concert with the Tonkunstler Orchestra at the Grafenegg Festival!




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