
Which membership suits you best?

As a member of the Friends of Grafenegg you benefit from many advantages and offers! From exclusive advance booking periods and programme presentations, to discounts on subscriptions, packages, single tickets and bus transfers, to one-time free admission to Advent, Family Day and the Castle. In addition, you will regularly receive offers from partner companies and sponsors in the exclusive Friends of Grafenegg newsletter. Depending on your membership, attractive bonus offers await you.

Let's become friends!

Here you can fill out the membership application online.


Receive attractive benefits for your suppor in each of the categories:



€ 58

Your advantages

Exclusive advance booking*
10 % discount on all Grafenegg concerts
10 % discount on bus transfer
20 % discount on selected bonus concerts
20 % discount on all subscriptions
Discount on all Grafenegg packages (one package per weekend)
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Advent and own Grafenegg Card counter
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Castle
Free entry to Family Day (1 family ticket)
Invitation to exclusive programme presentations
Free ticket delivery within Austria
 Regular offers from our partner companies and sponsors

The Grafenegg Card is non-transferable and is valid for two persons at all own events, unless otherwise stated. With the purchase you join the association «Friends of Grafenegg» as an associate member. Membership ends automatically after expiry of the validity of the Grafenegg Card (September to September).

* A maximum of two tickets per Grafenegg Card can be purchased for both performances of the Midsummer Night's Gala within the advance booking periods.



Annual membership fee: € 150

Your advantages

Complimentary tickets to a concert
Exclusive advance booking, including both Midsummer Night's Gala performances (4 tickets)
10 % discount on all Grafenegg concerts
10 % discount on bus transfer
20 % discount on selected bonus concerts
20 % discount on all Grafenegg subscriptions
Discount on all Grafenegg packages (one package per weekend)
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Advent and own Grafenegg Card counter
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Castle
Free entry to Family Day (1 family ticket)
Invitation to exclusive programme presentations
Free ticket delivery within Austria
 Regular offers from our partner companies and sponsors
Exclusive Friends of Grafenegg newsletter with benefits
Invitation to the press conference



Annual membership fee: € 600*

Your advantages

→ Premium assistance with ticket purchase
→ Invitation to the Friends' Picnic including concert attendance
→ Your name printed in a brochure, concert programme booklets and on the website
Exclusive advance booking, including both Midsummer Night's Gala performances (4 tickets)
10 % discount on all Grafenegg concerts
10 % discount on bus transfer
20 % discount on selected bonus concerts
20 % discount on all Grafenegg subscriptions
Discount on all Grafenegg packages (one package per weekend)
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Advent and own Grafenegg Card counter
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Castle
Free entry to Family Day (1 family ticket)
Invitation to exclusive programme presentations
Free ticket delivery within Austria
 Regular offers from our partner companies and sponsors
Exclusive Friends of Grafenegg newsletter with benefits
Invitation to the press conference

* € 290 of the membership fee is tax-deductible as a donation to Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges. m.b.H.



Annual membership fee: € 3.500*

Your advantages

→ Invitation to the Friends of Grafenegg Picnic including concert visit
→ Invitation to the Friends of Grafenegg Lunch including concert visit
→ Invitation to a concert of the Grafenegg Academy
→ Access to the Festival Lounge on all concert days in the Festival
→ Free concert programme booklets
Your name printed in a brochure, concert programme booklets and on the website
Exclusive advance booking, including both Midsummer Night's Gala performances (6 tickets)
10 % discount on all Grafenegg concerts
10 % discount on bus transfer
20 % discount on selected bonus concerts
20 % discount on all Grafenegg subscriptions
Discount on all Grafenegg packages (one package per weekend)
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Advent and own Grafenegg Card counter
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Castle
Free entry to Family Day (1 family ticket)
Invitation to exclusive programme presentations
Free ticket delivery within Austria
 Regular offers from our partner companies and sponsors
Exclusive Friends of Grafenegg newsletter with benefits
Invitation to the press conference

* € 2.500 of the membership fee is tax-deductible as a donation to Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges. m.b.H.



Annual membership fee: € 10.000*

Your advantages

→ Invitation to the Friends of Grafenegg Picnic including concert visit
→ Invitation to the Friends of Grafenegg Lunch including concert visit
→ Invitation to a Grafenegg Campus concert with reception for the artists
→ Access to the Festival Lounge on all concert days in the Festival
→ Four complimentary tickets for one or more concerts of your choice
→ Free concert programme booklets
Your name printed in a brochure, concert programme booklets and on the website
Exclusive advance booking, including both Midsummer Night's Gala performances (6 tickets)
10 % discount on all Grafenegg concerts
10 % discount on bus transfer
20 % discount on selected bonus concerts
20 % discount on all Grafenegg subscriptions
Discount on all Grafenegg packages (one package per weekend)
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Advent and own Grafenegg Card counter
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Castle
Free entry to Family Day (1 family ticket)
Invitation to exclusive programme presentations
Free ticket delivery within Austria
 Regular offers from our partner companies and sponsors
Exclusive Friends of Grafenegg newsletter with benefits
Invitation to the press conference

* € 8.000 of the membership fee is tax-deductible as a donation to Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges. m.b.H.



Annual membership fee: € 20,000*

Your advantages

→ Invitation to the Friends of Grafenegg Picnic including concert visit
→ Invitation to the Friends of Grafenegg Lunch including concert visit
→ Invitation to a Grafenegg Campus concert with reception for the artists
→ Access to the Festival Lounge on all concert days in the Festival
→ Eight complimentary tickets for one or more concerts of your choice
→ Free concert programme booklets
→ One-time rent-free use of the state rooms in the palace or the garden pavilion
Your name printed in a brochure, concert programme booklets, on the website and displayed on the list of sponsors at the Wolkenturm and in the Auditorium foyer
Exclusive advance booking, including both Midsummer Night's Gala performances (6 tickets)
10 % discount on all Grafenegg concerts
10 % discount on bus transfer
20 % discount on selected bonus concerts
20 % discount on all Grafenegg subscriptions
Discount on all Grafenegg packages (one package per weekend)
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Advent and own Grafenegg Card counter
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Castle
Free entry to Family Day (1 family ticket)
Invitation to exclusive programme presentations
Free ticket delivery within Austria
 Regular offers from our partner companies and sponsors
Exclusive Friends of Grafenegg newsletter with benefits
Invitation to the press conference

* € 15,800 of the membership fee is tax-deductible as a donation to Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsges. m.b.H.



for persons aged 40 and younger

Annual membership fee: € 350

Your advantages

→ Invitation to the Friends of Grafenegg Picnic including concert visit
→ Invitation to the Friends of Grafenegg Lunch including concert visit
→ Access to the Festival Lounge on all concert days in the Festival
→ Your name printed in a brochure, concert programme booklets and on the website
Exclusive advance booking, including both Midsummer Night's Gala performances (4 tickets)
10 % discount on all Grafenegg concerts
10 % discount on bus transfer
20 % discount on selected bonus concerts
20 % discount on all Grafenegg subscriptions
Discount on all Grafenegg packages (one package per weekend)
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Advent and own Grafenegg Card counter
One-time free entry to Grafenegg Castle
Free entry to Family Day (1 family ticket)
Invitation to exclusive programme presentations
Free ticket delivery within Austria
 Regular offers from our partner companies and sponsors
Exclusive Friends of Grafenegg newsletter with benefits
Invitation to the press conference


PATRON FROM € 20,000

from € 20,000

More than a friendship? Become a patron and support sustainable projects in Grafenegg.

Over the past 15 years, this special place has become a centre for classical music of international reputation and stature. Concert guests and musicians alike appreciate and love it.

Numerous initiatives for a lively and sustainable concert scene originate from the Grafenegg Campus and thus respond to the fact that the world of classical music is in a state of upheaval.

During the intensive rehearsals and workshops, the focus of the joint work is on the interactions between the individual and the collective during the artistic process. The aim is to create an awareness of a new kind of music-making in which the responsibility for interpretation is placed in the hands of each individual orchestra member. Therefore, in the spirit of greater self-determination and personal responsibility of the individual musicians, the orchestra sometimes plays without a conductor.

The Grafenegg Campus is one of the most important initiatives with which we want to help shape the future of music. But there are many more fruitful ideas slumbering on the idyllic castle grounds that could blossom with your commitment. Contact us, we would be happy to talk to you about our visions for Grafenegg.



Akkordeon stop


Partial amounts of memberships from Bronze to Diamond are tax-deductible in Austria and Germany as a donation to Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsgesellschaft m. b. H..
All discounts and offers are valid for two persons for own events of the Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsgesellschaft. 

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