Valid access rules at events from March 5, 2022

In accordance with current regulatory requirements, proof of vaccination, recovery or testing certificates is not currently required when attending events.


  • Please always maintain distance from persons who are not from your household, and avoid crowding, especially at entrances, exits and the bars.
  • Please always follow the instructions given by the ushers and observe all signs.
  • Please observe the current general hygiene regulations such as sneezing etiquette, regular washing or disinfecting of hands etc. Disinfectant dispensers are available.
  • Please do not attend the concert:
    - if you are feeling ill and cannot rule out the possibility of being infected by the corona virus
    - if you have had contact with a person suffering from Covid-19
    - if there has been or you suspect there to have been illness in your immediate social or professional environment

Thank you for your cooperation!

We reserve the right to alter these procedures according to official requirements or if there has been a relaxation of these requirement.


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